USITT's Regional Sections stimulate the exchange of ideas and information among those within a specific geographical area. Regional Sections and their volunteer leadership have strong ties to the overall USITT organization, which grants them charters, but are independently run organizations. Regional Section activities can include masterclasses, tours, exhibitions, and competitions. Individuals and organizations can join and participate in the activities of more than one section in addition to USITT.
Our Chapter was founded in 1978 by charter members Jack Gallagher, Chuck Vaughn, Jim Pearson, Ralph Hoffmann, Peter Vagenas, and David Weiss to create regional events and opportunities for those with interest in technical theatre that might not be able to addend the annual USITT conference.
The USITT Chesapeake Regional section is open to anyone interested in learning more about technical theatre, networking professionally, and/or making your company known to theatres and technicians around the Mid-Atlantic region.
The Chesapeake Section’s geographical borders include Washington DC, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey.
Membership in Chesapeake is not conditional on your geographical location, so individuals can, and do. belong to multiple chapters.
Our current dues structure is:
USITT Chesapeake Board of Directors:
Chair - Thomas Haughey
Vice Chair - Matt Miller
Secretary- Anthony Rosas
Treasurer- Andrew Laine
2nd Vice Chair - Kearston Dillard-Scott
3rd Vice Chair - Tom Fusco
Member at Large - Vacant
Member at Large - Shana Joslyn
Immediate Past Chair - Bill Price